miércoles, 18 de febrero de 2009




Young Guest and Doctoral Researchers' Annual Scholarships for Investigation and Learning in Norway.


The YGGDRASIL mobility programme offers funding for international Ph.D. students and younger researchers for research stays in Norway.

Personal mobility grants
As from the academic year 2009-2010, the Research Council of Norway is offering mobility grants to highly qualified, international Ph.D. students and younger researchers from 25 countries in connection with research stays in Norway of one to ten months through the YGGDRASIL mobility programme.

The mobility programme encompasses all subjects and disciplines and takes its name from Yggdrasil, the immense ash tree from Norse mythology whose branches extend throughout the world and into the heavens.

Countries covered under the programme
The programme offer grants to the following 25 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.

Applicant groups
The YGGDRASIL mobility programme is targeted at younger researchers, defined as:

  1. Those admitted to organised Ph.D. programmes;
  2. Those who have completed a Ph.D. degree not more than six years prior to submission of the grant application and are affiliated with a higher education and/or research institution

Letter of invitation
Applicants must secure a letter of invitation from the host institution in Norway. The invitation letter must contain a brief plan for the research stay (research activity, any seminars, courses, etc.) as well as specify the time period of the stay and any facilities that will be made available to the grant recipient.


Yggdrasil's objective
Through grant allocations, the YGGDRASIL mobility programme seeks to make Norway an attractive research destination for highly qualified international Ph.D. students and younger researchers while at the same time promoting the internationalisation of Norwegian research and strengthening Norwegian research communities.

Application deadline          
Applicants must submit a personal mobility grant application via the Research Council's eSøknad electronic submission service. The deadline for applying for grants under the YGGDRASIL mobility programme is in the spring for the following academic year.
In 2009, the application deadline is 22 April for the academic year 2009-2010.



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